Does it make sense to buy electronics products from online stores like Flipkart and Amazon during Coronavirus pandemic?

Coronavirus pandemic has hit the Indian shores and the government is trying its best to stop the virus from spreading across the country. The Centre and state governments have decided to completely shut down 75 districts across India where the coronavirus cases have been reported.

The government has announced that said cities will go into complete lockdown till March 31. The list of cities includes Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Maharashtra, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar, Karnataka, Telangana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, West Bengal, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Puducherry and Uttarakhand.

So, if you live in these cities or any part of the country, does it make sense to buy products from online stores like Flipkart and Amazon? The answer is No. At a time, when there is a complete lockdown, it does not make sense to order goods from the online portals. The government has said that during the lockdown no cabs, taxis, auto-rickshaws will be allowed to operate and private vehicles will be banned. Furthermore, only essential services will be allowed in these cities. 

This also means that the electronics you will order from the online platforms will be not delivered to you on time and there are chances that the delivery person will not deliver the good at all. This is because there is an unprecedented increase in demand for essential commodities on these platforms. People across the cities are panic buying all the essential commodities and this one of the main reasons why the delivery of certain goods are delayed. Additionally, due to a shortage of delivery personnel, the essentials products are not delivered on time, so you can imagine how long it will take to deliver electronics from the e-commerce platforms.

Secondly, in this crucial time, it makes sense to make minimum contact with the outside world so that you will be safe from this virus. So, by not ordering electronics from Amazon and Flipkart, you are not only protecting yourself but also the delivery person from the risk of getting coronavirus. Furthermore, during the lockdown it makes sense to utilise the money for the only essential purpose and not to invest in electronics as the delivery might get hampered due to the lockdown process and you will not get your desired product in due course. So, it is best to avoid ordering electronics items from Flipkart and Amazon during the lockdown period.

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