Many of us are too attached with digital devices and the thought of being completely disconnected may make us sweat. Modern consumers are spending much of their time staring at the smartphone display, on average logging more than four hours each day. It’s important to take steps to curb our addiction and understand bad impacts that could be caused by smartphones.
smartphones usage

  1. Blurred vision: Many smartphone users find that their eyes are fading out on them and this could be more than just a typical, natural regression. We could be doing this to ourselves. Based on health studies, all the squinting users do at their smartphone display could take a serious toll on their eyes. About 90 percent of smartphone users who stare at their devices for more than a couple of hours could start experiencing eye problems after some time, including dry eyes and blurred vision.

  2. Phone panic: Many users do the predictable frantic purse fumble when their smartphone isn’t in the right pocket and this could indicate serious dependence on mobile devices. Nearly all of us have experienced that heart-stopping horror moment, thinking that we have lost the device. Nearly 75 percent Americans admitted that they though of being completely from mobile connectivity could make them feel panicked.

  3. Less rest: If users find themselves checking for new email messages after dinner, it could be a perfect time for a bit of digital detox. Most Americans said in studies that mobile devices have caused them to perform work-related activities, beyond their normal hours. So, if users find that they habitually take phone cal and send quick emails here and there, they may need to rethink their situation. Overall, by bringing smartphone in their pocket wherever they go, people could spend about seven hours of extra work each week, almost equal to an entire workday.

  4. Pounding headache: Other than causing eye strain, staring too much at smartphones could also result in fatigue and headaches. And this is not even the most serious implication. One study found that frequent usages of smartphone could cause a type of “digital dementia” with symptoms like short-term memory loss and cognitive issues.

  5. Sleep deprivation: Most of the time, smartphones have their special spot next to our bed. If this is the case, we may need to reassess our smartphone habit. Smartphones could sabotage our sleep and prolonged exposure to smartphone right next to our bed can make it more difficult for us to sleep and get a fitful night’s rest. By switching off the phone and place it outside our bedroom, we can more easily fight the temptation of checking new notifications before we shut our eyes.

  6. Phantom Vibration Syndrome: Some people think that they feel their smartphone vibrate and find that it isn’t when they reach it. This false sensation is becoming a more common occurrence and it starts to gain the attention from health professionals. The Phantom Vibration Syndrome already affects a large group of young adults in the society. This physiological condition is more likely to occur on people who are depended to text messages and social networking updates.

  7. Hands discomfort: Frequent uses of smartphone often cause soreness and cramping in the fingers and hands. Some people find that they need some stretching after using the smartphone for some time. This could indicate that users need to significantly reduce their smartphone usages.

  8. Poor body posture: The shoulder slump users are feeling might be caused by poor smartphone habits. Each time we type on the smartphone display, our bodies could lean forward automatically, causing continuous strain on our backs and necks. Muscles positioned continuously on unnatural positions could also cause some pain.

  9. Less eye contact: There’s substantial decrease in eye contact within our society and mobile technology could be to blame. On average, a regular conversation between adults involve between 30 to 60 percent of eye contact. But although this number could sound decent, in fact it requires more than 60 percent of eye contact to establish effective emotional connections. Unfortunately, people often find it necessary to look down at the smartphone during a conversation with others. If this happens, it is a good idea to immediately ditch the smartphone for a while.

  10. Oversharing: Oversharing is now a common issue on social media. As an example, when users find themselves sitting close to arguing couple on the bus, they may feel the urge to tweet about it. People should think twice before they post, since bad habits can ruin relationships with others. Unfortunately, smartphones make it much easier for people to share everything, which contribute significantly to this phenomenon,

  11. Lack of awareness: Recent researches show that human brain is not too proficient with multitasking. Texting while talking to people is no exception. This behavior can degrade social relationships, putting a wide space between smartphone users and others. Some people even text while they drive the car. To keep track of their surrounding, smartphone users should take a break and try to focus on more important matte

The post Eleven Undesirable Health and Social Impacts of Smartphones in End-Users appeared first on John's Phone - The World's Simplest Cell Phone.

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